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Success Stories

I am so proud of my clients. They have proven that it is possible to overcome the obstacles and achieve the healthier lifestyle they dreamed of. Read their stories; I want you to not only be inspired and motivated, but to also realize that you can do it and I can help!

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“A coworker of mine told me about Nick and his training facility happens to be very close to my work, so I decided to give it a shot. I had no particular goals in mind; other than I wanted to look better and be stronger for golf. It was a very lucky thing that I happened to choose Nick to be my trainer. Over the last 6 months I have made dramatic changes to my body and overall strength thanks to Nick's knowledge, patience and skill as a teacher. The more time passed, the more results I saw and the more I got into it. At this point it has become a lifestyle and the discipline I've gained is starting to leak into other aspects of my life, which is awesome. As I have progressed and my mindset has changed, Nick has adjusted his training to match it; pushing me just the right amount and encouraging me. I can tell that he is invested in my success, which makes all the difference. Nick, your the man. Thank you!”

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Sheryl B.

“I am a mom of 3 young kids who wanted to get my body BETTER than it had EVER been! I had no energy & felt worn out & washed up! I needed an efficient workout plan that burned fat, built lean sexy muscle, & kept me motivated to stay consistent! Nick Williams from Studio 19 Fitness gave me just that. I started training with Nick in January of 2016, I lost 30lb and went from 28% body fat to 15%!! Nick got me so fit I became a NPC Figure competitor! During training there was a lot of sweat, encouragement, & good ‘ol hard work. Nick is there to help you no matter what level you’re at or injury you might be dealing with. You’ll never get discouraged in this energetic & supportive atmosphere! I promise you, you’ve NEVER experienced anything like Studio 19 Fitness!!”

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Mary B.

​I met Nick in March 2008. He is the one who taught me the love of fitness. With his help, I learned how to sculpt my body into becoming what I envisioned it could be (actually surpassed my vision). Nick not only taught me the importance of weight lifting but also the importance of nutrition. That losing the weight and keeping the weight off isn't doing a "temporary diet" but making a "lifestyle change". I hit my goal weight in December 2009. Nick has not only helped me lose over 140 pounds but has helped me maintain it for over 5 years. 


Elizabeth A.

​I have worked with a personal trainer for several years. I tribute my weight loss and life style change to this experience. If it wasn't for my trainer holding me accountable to my meal plan, inspiring me to participate in cardio activities, encouraging me to resistance train at a higher intensity, designing a program with variety and creativity, I would not be the athlete I am today. I would not have ever known that there was an athlete in me. When I started I was 230 pounds and over 40% body fat, I couldn't walk around the block, my life was becoming more and more limited. My trainer showed me the way to a new life. Nick empowered me to become a person I could have never imagined I could be.

Allison A.

When I first started my journey I was fluffy! I'm proud to say I am not anymore! I can now say I'm fit and healthy! I'm not going to sugar coat it, it was and is a long hard journey. One that never ends and is a decision you have to mentally make to want to change yourself to be healthy and fit. I had gym memberships before and I took classes and thought I was eating right and I did lose weight but put it right back on. I needed someone to help push me in the right direction. Nick is honest, caring and will tell you straight up what you need to do to get where you want to be. He truly loves his job and is dedicated to help people reach their fitness and health goals whatever they may be! He has really helped me so much along this path I really can't explain. With out his help and my own perseverance I wouldn't have come this far. I am proud of where I've come from and how much I have accomplished

Donna T.

My weight topped out at 228 pounds. On a 5'4 frame, that translated to body fat of 48.6%. I suffered high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, low self-esteem, and sleep apnea. I made it my goal to eat healthier, and I did, but without exercise, it did nothing to change my weight.

Then I started a consistent training program with Nick. My one tiny goal was to "learn the machines" well enough to avoid embarrassment when I exercised. Nick had far loftier goals in mind for me! He taught me more than the mechanics. He taught how to take control of my health and he made it fun. With his training, inspiration, and faith in me, I have been able to lose 65 pounds. And even more important, I have all the tools I need to stay strong and healthy for the rest of my life.

Julie S.

Working with Nick, as my trainer, is one of the best decisions I could have made in my life. I was tired of being overweight. It wasn't just about losing the weight though. I wanted to be healthy and get in shape. I knew the key was to change my eating habits and start exercising. I thought I could do it on my own just by going to the gym. However, there were so many machines that I didn't know where to begin. I decide to make an appointment with Nick so that he could show me how to use the equipment. Nick's call was just the beginning of a whole new lifestyle for me. Nick is an excellent trainer. He is so knowledgable about nutrition and exercise. He has taught me so much about what I can and cannot eat, and when I am working out with him, he makes sure my form is correct while I'm using the free weights and machines. I like the fact that he keeps me on track. I feel great. I never thought that I'd keep up with it for as long as I have because of my busy lifestyle, but Nick has told me that if I really want this, I'll make the time.......And I have.



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